Monday 7 February 2011

This portfolio site had a rather interesting and for me a unique way of displaying pages previously visited by striking though the links clicked on, i found this to be confusing at first thinking "why have they got a strike through them?", and then clicking on them thinking theres something special going on here.
the way the work is displayed is also fairly different compared to a lot of people's portfolio websites. as it is esssentially a giant picture and the links take you to the specified area of the image which has hovered over.
I thought the rest of the information on the website e.g contact information were'nt displayed clearly enough and blended into the side of the screen.
overall i thought it made an interesting change to traditional layouts of portfolio websites although name of the site was abit misleading to start of with.
I think this image is a good example of how bad the text over his images can get.

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